
Showing posts from February, 2013

Role of government in curbing crimes against women and children

Nations are born out of fear, nurtured in fear and sustained by fear. Fear, not in its absolute sense; but when people realise that this is a frightening little world to go alone, they form societies, which in turn give shapes to nations. The very concept of nationhood germinates from the protection and safety of its citizens; be it the majority or the minority. When the same fear comes back to haunt some people of the same society from their own counterparts that’s when we must realise that we have failed as a nation. The Delhi rape case reaffirms that notion. Whenever there are two sections in the society, the majority or the more powerful section would always try to suppress the other. This is the basis of most crimes. The Indian society as we see today is a largely patriarchal model with men wielding power in all the major fields. We treat Goddess Durga as the deity of power but we don’t empower the Durgas in our society. In our very culture, the daughter is seen as a liabili...